As a young and enthusiastic Information Systems Engineer, I am always striving for better results. I excel in bridging the gap between business requirements and technical capabilities, effectively communicating complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. With a passion for leveraging technology to drive business success and enhance operational efficiency, I bring adaptability, strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and a collaborative approach to every project. I thrive in changing environments and enjoy working as part of a team.
I have an Master degree in Engineering and Management of Information System from University of Minho - Portugal but in this present Era of competitive requirements, not withstanding with the acquired know-how, it's my main guide to keep searching, learning and improving my skills.
When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'm probably dancing, cruising around or planning my next challenge.
Engineering Projects Manager at the Department of Engineer and Investments of CVT in Praia - Cabo Verde.
JUN 2023 - OCT 2023
General Manager in charge of a small BnB in Praia - Cabo Verde, responsible for the efficient running of your establishment. This includes ensuring standards of cleanliness and maintenance are upheld, budgets are controlled and any problems are quickly rectified.
NOV 2020 - JUN 2023
Special Advisor of Assistent Secretary of State for Administrative Modernization & from May 2021 - Special Advisor of Minister of State Modernization and Public Administration
JUL 2019 - NOV 2020
Advisor of Assistent Secretary of State for Administrative Modernization
MARCH 2019 - 01/MAY 2019
Worked at Unitel T+ (Telecom Company) based in Praia - Cabo Verde for 2 months, as Product & Service Technician with the emphasis on managing the BI System of the Company to provide support on Marketing and Product launching decisions
JAN 2019 - MARCH 2019
Design of Employee Cards (photography included) and Services Plan for a Cleaning and a Pest Control business
Social Media Management for Artist Valdirdivad, Maravilhas de Cabo Verde, Bom Ki Bali and Vip S&S Fashion
DEC 2018
Return to homeland Praia - Cabo Verde
MAY 2016 - JUL 2017
Performed various support tasks as Library Helpdesk staff element
SEPT 2013 - 2018
Enrolled in Integrated Master in Engineering and Management of Information Systems - University of Minho, since 2013 and finished on Dec 2018
SEPT 2013
Changed my residence to Guimarães-Portugal
SEPT 2011 - 2013
Enrolled 2 years in CS bachelor at University of Minho, where i learned some of the basics of CS like data structures, algorithmic complexity, imperical programming, functional programming, graphs, etc. But i opted to change course due to the versatility and opportunities presented by the IS course at University of Minho
SEPT 2011
Started my journey abroad, moving to Braga, Portugal
SEPT 2005 - 2011
I finished my secondary education at Science and Technology field in Cabo Verde
JAN 1994
In Cape Verde, Praia City in Santiago island
ICEGOV 2021 Best Industry & Public Sector Short Paper about Cabo Verde Digital Government Strategy (Co-autor).
Web developer using PHP, MariaDB, Javascript and CSS, to build a website for the simulation of the FIFA World Cup 2018.
Backend dev using Java. Information about the matches, the players and the 32 participating countries to simulate the World Cup, using MVC as design pattern.
Chief Web Developer, coordinating the building of the platform where professionals could evaluate their patients based on the exercises performed, minimizing their neurological disorders.
To acertain the plays of a poker player and support the decisions in the pre-flop phase (TexasHold'em), as a Data Model Developer, I had to experiment DM techniques for classification in RapidMiner.
Build a business intelligence system (using SQLServer,Tableau&PowerBI) to support decision making based on data from legislative elections and population census of Portugal.
Analyzed and tested Data Extraction&Exploration tools for BI on the market and their applicability to resolve and help these user’s issues in their work environment.
A client/server app using TCP and UDP sockets, to diffuse short text msg (max 140 chars) between users.
Logo Design and Service Plan elaboration for a Pest Control Company.
Implemented the facebook Page and flyers/logo design for BomkiBali to allow those who want to sell their product, have a greater disclosure and speed in the connection with buyers.
Employee cards Design (photography included) for a Cleaning Services Company.
Business Card Design